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Ernesto Korrodi's Office
Environment design
Content production
Interactive video mapping

Municipality of Leiria


Teamed with:


Ernesto Korrodi was a Swiss architect who settled in Leiria at the beginning of the 20th century. He is associated with Art Nouveau in Portugal and is considered one of the first archaeological architects, responsible for the first restoration works on the castle of Leiria.

As we enter the “Ernesto Korrodi Interactive Room”, we begin by seeing the architect's lifeline drawn on the walls. In the centre of the room, a digital design and execution project has been designed, set up on a table, where visitors can get to know and interact with Korrodi’s work.

140 - Gabinete Ernesto Korrodi
140 - Gabinete Ernesto Korrodi

Based on the principles of Augmented Reality, it was possible to give life to this table, combining technologies and techniques such as Video Mapping, computer vision and touch interaction, motion design and 3D animation.

By using the table as Ernesto Korrodi’s workspace, it is possible to observe and discover: the project sheets of his most significant work, which respond to the touch of visitors; the Castle of Leiria, before and after the intervention by the architect, his studies and restoration project, while we unfold the central book on the table; trivia about Korrodi's life, such as that his wife being among the first to own a bicycle in Leiria, or their commitment to promoting Leiria as a tourist destination.

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(+351) 215 921 739

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We are here:

Rua da Manutenção

nr. 67, 1st floor

1900-320 Lisbon

Praça Coronel Pacheco,

nr. 2, room 202

4050-453 Porto

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